
mZ D/CEMBER 2021
TELL US ABOUT YOU ? Me llamo Valeria Garcia. Vivo en Barcelona, Cantabria (España). Tengo 28 anos. Me encantan las fiestas y estar reunidos con familia y amistades. Tambien soy divorciada y tengo una hija de 3 anos. Ser Madre es un regalo y estoy muy orgullosa y my favorito trabajo. WHAT ARE SOME OF […]
COFFEE & CANNABIS ..:: Party of 2
Coffee & cannabis?! They have more in common than you would think. Every single morning, billions of coffee cups are made with the sole purpose of powering us up through the day—and every morning, people light up before work with the same intent. But the similarities go beyond that. And, as you will find out, […]
Florida Cannabis Festival
/ WHAT 2 KNOW? / One iZ almost in awe to hear the words Florida and Cannabis and Festival in the same sentence, let alone a physical event, which did take place in Mount Dora, Florida on November 7th, 2020. Yes, the grounds of Renninger’s Flea Market hosted this amazing opportunity where like minded fun […]